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5 Ways to Reinvent your Digital Marketing Strategy

5 Ways to Reinvent your Digital Marketing Strategy | smartdigitalseo blog
// Remove any previous error classes // Validate all fields // Enable or disable the submit button based on the validation results // Regular expression to match only letters (assuming ASCII letters) } else if (!letterRegex.test(x.trim())) { // Check for non-text characters } else if (x.length < 6) { // Optional: Show a message about length if needed // Remove all non-digit characters from the input var address = input.value.trim(); // Trim leading and trailing whitespaces msg.style.display = "none"; // Change 'none' to 'hidden' // Check if all the fields are valid submitBtn.value = "Please wait"; // Set the button value // document.getElementsByClassName(.window-popup).style.display = "none"; // Remove any previous error classes // Enable or disable the submit button based on the validation results // Remove all non-digit characters from the input var address = input.value.trim(); // Trim leading and trailing whitespaces // Check if all the fields are valid // Prepare the data to be sent submitFBtn.innerHTML = "Please wait"; // Set the button value // Send the data to the PHP script for processing // Get the message element // Remove the "info" class // Hide the message // Get the message element // Remove the "info" class // Hide the message // swal('Message Sent', 'Thank you for your response...', 'success'); // myForm.reset(); // Get the message element // Remove the "info" class // Hide the message